Nitecore 14500 NL147 750mAh (Black-yellow)
Official specifications:
- Battery Capacity: 750 mAh
- Battery Rated Voltage: 3.7 V
- Charge current: Maximum 750mA (350mA recommended)
- Maximum output current: 3.5A
- Cycle count: >500 times
- Diameter: 14.2mm
- Length:51.5mm
- Width 20.6g
A protected button top AA sized LiIon cell from Nitecore.
Fairly good tracking between the two cells, this is a high capacity cells and not a high current cell.
This cell is at best average in performance, voltage when loaded is on the low side, even for a high capacity cell and capacity is also a bit low for a high capacity cell.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Comparison to other LiIon batteries